Sunday, October 04, 2009


I have been a sixth grader for about two months. Mr. Vallerga is the coolest teacher in the history of the world. I know I say that about everyone, but this time it is true. He is SO nice, all my peers and his colleagues loves him. But anyway, we just went to Outdoor Ed. It was awesome! It was in Sonora and is is called Foothill Horizons. (Bring back memories anyone?) We had the time of our lives there. We all had a blast. We learned the true identities of some people, we can now identify trees and we learned how to stand in a freezing river and splashing your face in it. You know what I just thought of? Are people in other schools still your peers even if they don't go to your school, but you still know them? If you know, tell me please. Until next time, BYE!!!



Your peers are people your own age.

miricaro said...

Isn't it fun? I LOVE it!