Tuesday, July 01, 2008


Dear people around the world who are reading this post,
Today when we were airborne from Houston to Baltimore I saw lots of things in the clouds. For example, I saw an elephant, a lamb, a clay pot, a dragon breathing out fire, a Santa Claus, a graveyard with skulls, a baby giant in a cradle, and a temple with stairs that looked like layers and in front were guards.
Anyway, now I am at the hotel with my Bubbe, and I watched some television and my bubbe is relaxing. Later on we might go swimming. See You Next Post,


Msabcmom said...

Glad to see you blogging again Bina. I miss you!

Anonymous said...

Sabi, Im so glad u r having fun! I hope u have a great time there because u r a awesome friend! Odalys