Saturday, August 04, 2007

Daydreaming:The Begining

One day in Summer, my BFF ,Jane was walking home from school daydreaming (about how she would make Chuck E. Cheese and Funworks put together, like a miniature Kid Nation) until she bumped in to me. She said "Sarah, I have a problem. I flunked Math and History,because I daydream. You know that our (more than half our grade) tests are coming up in two weeks." When she finished talking I was thinking '' That IS a problem. The next day, I came up with ideas for her. One of my ideas was to get her a special tutor. I looked on the Internet and I found out that tutors cost a whole lot of money. Who knew??

Next day I was a mixture of emotions. I felt so bad , but when I came home and read a book, I had the best idea. But I'm not telling until you read the next chapter, or part, whatever it is.

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