Saturday, May 06, 2006

My Third Tooth


Last night at the synagogue, I LOST MY THIRD TOOTH! Yay Me! I couldn't put it under my pillow last night though because it was Shabbat. On Shabbat you can't write or use money. Tonight though, I can put it under my pillow. I told my mom that she must be the tooth fairy if she can't come on Shabbat. My mom said though that she isn't and that the Tooth Fairy is just respecting us because we are Jewish.

The first time I lost my tooth I got $5. The second time I got $3. This time, I think I will get $20. My Bubbe said that last time she thought that the Tooth Fairy only gave me $3 because she didn't get her paycheck yet. This time, the Tooth Fairy HAD to have gotten her paycheck by now! I will tell you tomorrow how much I got.

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