Tuesday, June 28, 2005

Hip, Hip, Hooray!

Yesterday I got to go to the front of my mom's school during an assembly to get an award. I got an award for being a helper for the Principal at my mom's school on my off track time. I was nervous when I went up but it was cool too.

Today was my mom's last day of school. We had a pizza party. I also went to my music class with Ms. Kathleen. It was good. I liked the Amelia Bedelia Song. I couldn't get it out of my head!


Sunday, June 26, 2005

Just Like Rachel Ray

I cooked like
Rachel Ray today. My mom and I made chicken toes and brownies. We also ate some grapes and sugar snap peas. I used my Rachel Ray cookbook for the recipe.

Today we listened to Juanes. I like that CD. My favorite song is number 6. It is called No Siento Penas.

My Bubbe left the house to go to Davis to work for school. My mom and I are going stay alone in the house and have a party by ourselves.

I am going to start a music class on Tuesday. I am going to sing and listen to stories. I think we will get to do a play.


Saturday, June 25, 2005

Saturday Night

I went to two parties tonight. The first party was a pajama party. The second party was a Bocce Ball party at my tio Ruben's house. At Tio's house I got to play with Cal and Copernicus. We played with Lincoln Logs and played Bocce Ball with oranges. I also got to eat ice cream with Tio. I stayed up really late too. We didn't get home until 11:30. My mom said I could sleep in as long as I want and she will make me whatever I want to eat in the morning.

ALeah's Bat Mitzvah

Today I went to my friend Aleah's Bat Mitzvah. It was very, very long. Aleah read from the Torah in HEBREW! At the end we got to throw candy at her. Afterwards we had lunch at the synagogue. Tonight I am going back to the synagogue in my pajamas! Aleah is having a pajama party.

Today is also my Papa's birthday. He is 59 years old. I called him in Panama today. I miss him.

My aunt Margie and my Uncle Alan are coming to visit me this week. I will have a lot of fun with them.

Sunday, June 19, 2005

Friday, June 17, 2005

Hi there!

Hey, me again. I just started to write. 12:00 in the afternoon now. I was sketching and coloring today. I did too sketches. It is a very good day. Are you hungry cause I am? I am writing early because my mom said I have to write before she gets home from school. My grandma said she would make me lunch. I was on my computer and I got a lot of good report card on my Jump Start Games. Before I did anything today I played with my cat. He is sick. My mom gave him medicine and she said that he got a little heavier. But I don't think he is heavier. I am going to eat lunch. I gotta go but I will come back later in a little while. Sabi

Thursday, June 16, 2005


Hello. I didn't do anything but watch tv today. I played in my room. And I startid to write a few minites ago. My mom didn't go to school today becuse she felt sick. That means that I didn't get to go to school with her today to see a play. If she feels better tomaro we will go. Oh, I practist the violin today. I have to practis every day. Oh, look a the time - gotta go. Sabi
P.S. See ya tomaro.
Oh. P.S. again. We took Sagwa to the vet. He got a shot and some medicine. He has a cold.
Today is Wensday and it is orchistra and priveit violin lesson day! I had a very busy day. I was at my granma’s school for more than too howrs. At her school I slept and helpt.
Orchistra was hard. My teachers name is Mr. Bort. My book that I will be working on is All For Strings. And the other book we bought is Folk and Country Waltzes for Fiddle. We will be practicing that book a lot. Even the other book. But we will work more on All For Strings.
My priveit violin lesson was easy. I sat down and I standed up. I liked sitting down more. We did Long, Long, Ago and some of the variations. We also practiced Hunter’s Chorus.
Sabi Luz

Tuesday, June 07, 2005

La Escuela de Mi Mama

Madagascar fue excelente. A mi me gustaba mucho. Ayer vino el Señor Girley al salón de mi mamá. El vino en su ropa de P.E. Durante el día yo fui al salón de la Señorita Cruz. Ella tiene en salón diferente de mi maestra pero hay cosas similares como mi maestra. Yo moví tres veces en cada clase. En la clase de la Señorita Cruz, vimos un video. El video era de la selva tropical. Habia muchos animales como mariposas, mariquitas, ranas, serpientes, monos y mas. La selva tropical tiene cuatros partes. Es bonita la selva tropical.

Friday, June 03, 2005

Last Day of School

¡Hola! Ya terminé primer grado. Me siento muy feliz y triste. Me siento feliz porque ya terminé primer grado. Y me siento triste porque no puedo ver a mis amigos en verano. Vamos a tratar a ir a San Diego e ir al zoológico de San Diego y a Legoland. Hoy voy con mi tio a ver Madagascar.

Thursday, June 02, 2005

My First Blog Post

Hi. My name is Sabina. I like to write. I can write in English and Spanish. This is my blog.